As another year descends into dusk, and I think of my own wishes, resolutions, goals, I hope that over the next twelve months you…
>> Read words that move your soul, in dog-eared books, purchased in used-book shops, with pages inscribed with handwritten notes you didn’t write.
>> See that you (and he and she and they) are beautiful – size and scars and wrinkles and colour and acne and hair and age and all. Because true beauty isn’t so much about what you look like, it’s how you are.
>> Dance – slow and fast, alone and together, privately and publically.
>> Write a letter or a note. The kind you seal in an envelope and pop in the post. The kind that may have the perfect imperfections of words scratched out or smeared ink or dried droplets of coffee. Emails and texts have nothing on letters. Hang on… I’ll give you my address…
>> Avert your gaze from your screen, and look a stranger in the eye, and hold it and smile, and experience the divine combined sensations of discomfort and pleasure. Maybe the stranger will stay with you forever.
>> Take care of yourself. Moisturize your body, floss your teeth, drink lots of water. And, I know it feels good and all, but cut back on the number of Q-Tips you cram in your ear. You could hurt yourself.
>> Roll around, lose your mind, dig nails into skin, raise goosebumps, lick, suck, bite, glow – you know, with someone you like. Do this often.
>> Smell the rain on your face and taste the moonlight and touch the salt of the sea and inhale each day with such heightened awareness that it feels the way Leonard Cohen’s poetry reads.
>> Explore. Explore ideas, curious doorways, foreign cultures, wild nature, new stories, old stories, strong cocktails, taboos, strange food, open roads, secret societies, noble causes, solitude, friendships, and so on and so forth.
>> Let yourself cry. Because it’s okay to cry sometimes. But then close your eyes and breathe deep and think of that time you laughed and laughed and felt lucky to be alive.
>> Believe in magic. Because it’s fucking real. Like faeries and ghosts and E.T..
>> Feel love and give love. Passionately and purely and exquisitely.
>> Work and work and work until you grasp your dreams in your sweaty, calloused palms. And then work some more.
I hope my twelve months look like this too.<
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