In Ramblings Let’s talk about mental health Today Bell will donate 5¢ for initiatives helping the millions of Canadians affected by mental illness with every tweet of #BellLetsTalk. Why is this… Continue Reading →
In Ramblings The song that changed my life Last week, I entered my first writing contest… Canada Writes: The Song That Changed Your Life. The contest spoke to me as music has… Continue Reading →
In Ramblings A glimpse into the crystal ball A story has been dancing in my head. Twirling and spinning around my right brain, teasing me with its characters and plot for months,… Continue Reading →
In Ramblings 2012 Gratitude Because I think it’s important to celebrate accomplishments and gratitude, this is why 2012 was a spectacular year (in no particular order)… There were… Continue Reading →
In Ramblings Living in the sprawl I had a moment last week that still echoes in my head. A crisp autumn day at a downtown eastside bus stop. A neighbourhood… Continue Reading →
In Ramblings Letters of love Forget medicine, sleep, and alcohol. The cure to all that ails you is a love letter. The kind of letter that turns crumpled and… Continue Reading →