In Projects By Pen and Post Receiving envelopes and postcards with ink-smudged handwriting scrawled across the front or back is one of my greatest pleasures. The correspondence between Henry Miller… Continue Reading →
In Ramblings Your Beautiful 2019 In 2019, I want a rounder ass and a tighter belly and smoother skin. I want to travel to every single country in the… Continue Reading →
In Travel Quebec by Train Toronto to Montreal. 5 hours. Sights: Potato chip-rippled lake waters streaked with one narrow coat of sunlight armour. The unruly bed head of fields… Continue Reading →
In Ramblings Bar Stool September 16, 2017 I accidentally left my phone at home when I stepped out of the apartment this evening. I wasn’t planning to be… Continue Reading →
In Ramblings Show Me Your Stuff, Sky I’m sitting on a generic IKEA chair, nine storeys up, on my Toronto balcony, overlooking the CN Tower. An indistinctive condo. An urban box… Continue Reading →
In Ramblings I hope that… As another year descends into dusk, and I think of my own wishes, resolutions, goals, I hope that over the next twelve months you…… Continue Reading →